Horse herd

Horses have much to teach us and facilitate alongside me in both my equine facilitated learning (EFL) work and my journey with horses sessions. They have been and still are some of my greatest teachers.  As sentient beings, horses see into the heart and soul of a person naturally, are always honest and live in the present moment with a heart-based, body-centred awareness. They engage and see the true being that is within you, and make no judgement about age, gender, intellect, social status, disability and so on. They will ask the same of you to be connected in mind, body and heart.  Would you choose this way of being for yourself where you are responsible for all that you are and do?      

Come and explore the way of the horse with me and the horses I work with and learn about yourself in a heart centred space. Horses live in the world, constantly observing and making decisions that best serve them by paying attention to what is going on inside their bodies as well as what is going on in the environment around them – i.e. they are fully present in each moment, which is what they bring with them to this work. 

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