Horse herd

My name is Mushka, it's Russian for Doe eyes. I'm a two and half year old Rottweiler from an excellent bred German bloodline. My Kennel name was social scandal and that seems to still carry the good energy as I'm friendly natured, love playing with children, other dogs especially on the beach while surfing in and out of the waves.

Unfortunately on February 22nd 2016 I stepped off the curb in front of my home and was hit by a four wheel drive, taking the impact down the right side of my body. The prognosis was not good as I had a bad break in a difficult location in the right back hock with severe nerve damage in the right front leg, fortunately there was no internal injuries.

My owner and I have a special bond and she knew I had a special spirit and was prepared to do all that was possible to give me a fighting chance. I was taken to Murdoch Veterinary Hospital Perth whom offered a clear diagnosis, cautiously optimistic prognosis and very supportive. My loving owner and I would do the rest, "to fight the good fight".

Three pins were placed in my right back leg , but after three weeks my body rejected the pins, it was a difficult period as the breaks in the legs were now left to heal on their own if they would at all. With constant care, complete rest and confinement over weeks, the xrays that followed eight weeks later showed that the breaks had healed on their own. 

Slowly I began to put my right back leg on the ground taking more weight, enjoying short walks. I was thoroughly spoilt. However my right front leg with the nerves damaged meant I had to learn to move on three legs, with a right back leg still healing from the break. 

In the mean time my owner a believer in both the scientific Veterinary Medicine and alternate wholistic healing and was doing all that was offering in the way of Physio therapy and daily massages. 

We were introduced to Tracey who is a qualified Vet along with qualification in Cranial work, similar to working with the meridium energy that runs through all living creatures. It assists in moving blocked energy caused by trauma, or finding new flows around the blocked energy in the body system, both in animals and humans

On Tracey's first visit, she with her quiet gentle demeanour, let me sniff her out then Tracey sat quietly on the floor next to me slowing resting her hand on my head. The trust with her was immediate as I simply went into this deep, relaxed state allowing her to do the deep cellular work, that is so calming to the nervous system. 

We are so appreciative of Tracey and her gifted Cranial alternative method the results from working on a deeper level of healing becoming obvious as I'm a happy playful dog, enjoying my walks, eating and sleeping well. Always waiting for someone to play ball with me. We know this healing method will take time, "nothing good happens fast"

Cuddles from Mushka??